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Multipurpose hall

The "Multipurpose" Room on the ground floor of the building has been turned into a modern event center, with a minimum capacity of 20 seats. It is adapted to the access needs of people with special needs, and has modern audiovisual equipment, Video-Projector, Air Conditioning.

Αναλυτικά χαρακτηριστικά
Έδρανο παρουσιάσεων
Ελεύθερο WiFi
Δευτέρα - Σάββατο Κυριακή
Ώρες Καθαρή Αξια Αξία με ΦΠΑ Καθαρή Αξία Αξία με ΦΠΑ
1-3 ώρες 75.00 93.00 100.00 124.00
4-6 ώρες 100.00 124.00 130.00 161.2
>6 ώρες 120.00 148.0    

Notes - The prices have calculated the time of arrival - departure of the staff, which will be half an hour before the event and half an hour after its completion respectively. - For Sunday the prices are higher as there is an additional salary burden for the available staff.

Πιθανοί τρόποι διαρρύθμισης